Saturday 30 June 2012


Ok, part 3 will be along soon, I promise.  I also have to write up my last few days in Ghanzi and my trip to Moremi (thanks Andrea & Gavin!)  But right now I am once more sitting in the Jo'burg airport, killing time.  I'm getting a bit too good at this, I fear.  But this time I'm just off a 1.5 hour flight, with only like 10 hours to follow.  I'm much more cheerful.  I also have all of my Africa kitsch souvenirs so I'm pretty pleased.

I did learn the hard way that converting pula to pounds is pointless, so I ended up blowing the last of my pula on books which, really, is fine with me.

I haven't even left Africa and already I miss it.  Most of all, I miss the people.  I miss all of my CCB friends, Gavin, Andrea, Jane, Phale, Max, and DT who are some of the best people you'll ever meet and gave me the experience of a lifetime.  Thanks guys & gals!  I even miss the Afrikaans farmers that I got to know.  Because really, if I don't come back next summer (not terribly likely unless someone out there wants to pay my way?) I won't see any of you for a long time.

And I already miss my fellow volunteer Caoilfhionn.  It's amazing how close you can get to someone in a month.

BUT on the flip side, I can't wait to get to London and catch up with some family and find my lovely friend Marie.  It's the summer Jessica and Marie mob London and it will be fantastic.  I can already tell you I won't want to leave London.  But places I love, like Ghanzi and London and even Phoenix, I never want to leave.  I never mind leaving Davis because I've always known Davis was a temporary thing and I'll get my fill over four years.  It would probably take me at least a year to get my fill of Ghanzi and a couple years to get my fill of London, let alone England.

Anyway, just wanted to let y'all know I am alive and well and on my way to the shining lights of London town and that I owe all of my lovely readers at least two blog posts.  Because I have to tell you about the elephants!


  1. WHOOOO LONDON! I will see you soon, friend.

  2. Ewe Davis.... I just spent the morning there. Lol miss you girl!
