Sunday 6 January 2013

It's A New Year, Charlie Brown

Since it’s already the New Year, I thought I’d revive this poor blog by doing a post on the things I’m thankful for this past year.

The top of my thankfulness list each is always my family and my friends that might as well be family.  

But here’s the list of them:
  • I’m thankful for my sister, who means the world to me, and her new husband, who means the world to her.  I’m thankful for going to San Diego and seeing them and for spending Christmas with them. 
  • For my parents, who support us both in our endeavors and who are making healthier living choices this past year. 
  • For my grandmother, the only biological grandparent I have left and her giving heart. 
  • For my adopted grandparents, T & D, who are always there with words of wisdom and a funny video. 
  • For my adopted siblings, B, M, R, J, and K, who are the truest friends you’ll ever find. 
  • For my vet school family, who raise my spirits when they flag, give me encouraging words, and the occasional slap upside the head.  Without them, school would be impossible. 
  • For my family in England, who let me stay when I make it over there, drop everything to come see me, and make me wish England wasn’t all the way across the pond.
  • For the friends in Arizona that make me a better person, that are there no matter how far away I am.
  • For the new friends I met in Botswana, I hope to see you again someday.
  • And for the new friends I make each day, even if only for a minute.  For the fascinating people we meet each and every day, the people who make jokes in line and help pass the time, the people who smile, hold doors, or are just simply polite.

For less serious things:
  • Jake and Annabelle, my silly little beasties who make me walk them every morning, play tug and play fetch, who make me laugh, smile, and tear out my hair.
  • For web comics that make me laugh or teach me something new.
  • For Facebook pages that make me laugh, think, and learn.
  • For Facebook in general that lets me stay in touch with people thousands of miles away.
  • For finding an embryology book that actually makes sense.
  • For Charlie Brown, who gave me the post title.
  • And for this blog that lets me tell you all about my life.

It’s been a good year, with ups and downs and everything in between.  My sister went and got married.  I up and went to Africa on my own, then met part of one of my favorite families in England, met my own family in England.  I got to attend the AVMA Convention with my mom.  I learned the value of studying with friends and the value of staying in touch with friends.  Each year brings new lessons, new triumphs, new memories, and new friends.  Friends are our sanity and our salvation.

So, my New Year’s Resolution is to stay in better touch with all of my friends.  If you feel like we don’t talk much, give me a shout.  Call me, text me, message me, email me.  I can guarantee I want to hear from you.  

1 comment:

  1. Agreed with this being a good year. Bring it on, 2013!
